Annie - this is so thoughtful and so helpful. I'm forwarding it to a number of friends. Many times I've sought out readings, poems, books to support myself and others during times of loss. This is so full of understanding and wisdom. Thank you.

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Thanks, Annie -- I'll be holding on to this. I've reached that age when, if I see a good sympathy card, I buy several, knowing they'll have a use soon enough. Your article will help me write inside those cards. It was lovely to see mention of Anita Skeen, my MFA thesis advisor.

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How excellent! If I may boast, Anita's very first class as WSU's new hire for their new MFA program was also my very first class as a green freshman English major. 🥰

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Very thoughtful and sensitive advice, Annie. Thank you.

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Sadly beautiful and helpful piece, Annie. Thank you so much for sharing this…hugs always. 🤗

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Beautifully written, Anne. Great advice all round.

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Beautifully done, Anne! Once again, I think I see a remembrance of someone who did the same for us. And, from her simple cards, she taught a great lesson I've never forgotten!

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Yep. Jo was one of a kind.

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I enjoyed this, Anne! I would add that even as you say the appropriate things, it’s still uncomfortable.

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Excellent point, Michael. Nothing about this is fun.

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