I’m one of those that says, “add” so and so ingredient. I love the suggestion to use verbs. I’m sure the recipe receiver would appreciate them as well.

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I enjoyed this very much even though I've never followed a written recipe. Well, once. For cinnamon toast. It took me an hour to make when I was 10. There's some part of me, however, that loves my mother's clothes pin stuffed with index cards.

Thanks for the informative read!


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Thanks for this Anne. As a professional cookbook writer I am sometimes floored by how badly written recipes are when nabbed off of the internet. And that's maybe unfair. But the problem is, they don't work! Which can result in wasted $. My method is to copy off around 5 recipes for whatever it is I want to make (lemon pound cake right now). Choose at least one site to search that is really reputable (like NY Times ). Then I look at what they all have in common. Then make a crazy handwritten-on-scratch-paper version. Might sound too improvisational for some, but I enjoy the process. And get a better pound cake (must get on this).

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OMG I forgot I had a professional on board! Thanks for this advice, kiddo!

Everybody, what happens when a woman graduates from the most excellent theatre program in the country (Wichita State University circa 1970s-80s), then becomes deeply involved with healthy food and cooking? You get the divine Cythia Lair, author, performer, educator, and funny lady. And wonderful recipes. Check her out ... especially her hilarious cooking show, Cookus Interruptus. cynthialair.com

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